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subject: Working With Laborers And Subcontractors In Your Foreclosure Cleanup Business [print this page]

Working With Laborers And Subcontractors In Your Foreclosure Cleanup Business

In the beginning stages of your foreclosure cleanup business, you will be able to perform many of the jobs yourself. But, in a few short months, you will start to grow and will have to hire temporary laborers and subcontractors. Hire people you trust.

Beyond doing your typical due diligence, go with your gut. The people you employ will be in your clients' homes, often in the vehicle with you for transport, and many times alone with you onsite in the early mornings and late evenings working the foreclosure cleanup jobs.

Family and Friends

If you're in a pinch with a job, don't discount hiring family and friends to help out until you are more formalized. Both my sisters have helped out in a pinch, and we've called on other relatives as well to help out in our foreclosure cleanup business.

Haste Can Ruin Your Business

Check out employees before you put them to work. It's not hard; it just takes a little time. Haste can ruin your company's reputation. Setting up hiring practices in the beginning phases of starting your business should be a solid part of your company's initial organizational tasks. This will ensure your employment forms, policies and procedures are ready when it's time to use other workers.

Even though it is firmly suggested you NOT bring on "formal" employees until you have a handle on your company's policies and procedures, you will need to bring on temporary laborers and workers to grow.

Employment Application

At minimum, have potential workers complete a formal application and call at least three of their references before you even consider them. Go online to find a simple employment application form that captures all the necessary information and permissions to run background checks and the like. There are tons of them out there.

References and Background Checks

You can run immediate information-type checks on potential workers for your foreclosure cleanup business at websites like that of Intelius' (for a fee). There are many other websites on which you can get employment information.

As you grow and add people that you choose to use as a regular part of your business, you will need to run official background checks. So on your employment application, be sure to get written permission to run, at minimum, background checks (including criminal).

Again, at minimum, check references for the temporary help you use. If a person does not have three solid checkable references (outside of their family references!), please consider moving on to the next person. You'll have more applicants than you can shake a stick at with Help Wanted postings on local online job boards.

It's Okay to Be a Little Paranoid!

Be diligent, cautious, a little paranoid and thorough. The right people will make your foreclosure cleanup business; but the wrong people can cost you a ton of money, bring harm to you and your company's image and effectively put you out of business before you even get started.

Good luck in hiring the right people for your foreclosure cleanup business!

by: Cassandra Black

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