subject: Personal Injury Lawyer Portland [print this page] A small law firm generally consists of two to ten lawyers who can provide more expertise in a given area of personal injury law and can handle a wider range of legal issues. Mid-size law firms with ten to 50 lawyers offer legal representation in almost every major area of litigation and may house several highly experienced and knowledgeable personal injury lawyers. Large law firms with more than 50 lawyers are often the most reputable, having built up the firm for a number of years and consisting of lawyers with high levels of expertise.
Personal injury lawyers are regulated by codes of conduct established by state bar associations, which have the power to take disciplinary action against lawyers who violate professional or ethical regulations. The American Bar Association (ABA) Joint Committee on Lawyer Regulation offers assistance to state bars, helping them to draft, implement, and/or promote regulatory policies regarding personal injury lawyers.
Personal injury lawyers may belong to any number of professional associations, some of which are mandatory and others voluntary. For instance, personal injury lawyers are licensed by their state bar associations, of which they must be members. Among the more common professional associations that personal injury lawyers may voluntarily join are the following:
Association of Trial Lawyers of America also known as ATLA, an association of trial lawyers that was founded in 1946 by a group of plaintiffs attorneys committed to safeguarding victims rights. In 2007, ATLA changed its name to the American Association for Justice, also known as the AAJ, however the internet web site may still be located at
Association of Personal Injury Lawyers an association founded in 1990 by personal injury lawyers on behalf of accident victims
American Bar Association a professional association dedicated to improving the legal system and providing accreditation for law schools and continuing legal education programs
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The aggressive representation of injured parties by personal injury lawyers has spawned movements to establish tort reform in the United States in recent years. Tort reform proponents argue that such reforms are necessary because personal injury litigation has led to a substantial increase in health care costs; they further claim that many doctors have had to leave practice or relocate because of cost-prohibitive medical malpractice insurance rates. A recent publication by the Harvard School of Public Health found that in only 60% of medical malpractice litigation cases was there evidence of medical error.
by: Rakesh Mishra
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