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subject: Tips That Can Save You Money On Summer Air Conditioning Bills [print this page]

Tips That Can Save You Money On Summer Air Conditioning Bills

When the heat strikes, what do you do to live easily while saving money and energy? To handle the heat a few people just switch on the air conditioner and leave it on continually. There are more methods to keep the heat in check too. But to start, it is a clever idea to make sure your cooling unit will not come on while you aren't home.

It'll be less damage on your system if you turn it down when you get home. Your air conditioner has to turn on each time your home warms up to get rid of the heat. If you simply turn it on when you get home it'll just need to do that once thereby saving yourself tons of energy and money. This also is applicable to ceiling fans because although they cause you to feel cooler they do not truly chill the air they just blow it away from your body. So it doesn't do any good to leave them on when you are not there. Instead, switch them on when you get home, and in almost no time you will be feeling better.

There are lots of alternative ways which have been demonstrated to be beneficial in reducing any within heat. You may use reflective film on your windows, and replace your lighting with fluorescent bulbs. Employing a microwave for your cooking, and making sure your doors and windows are sealed properly are other good things worth doing. If you're concerned about the heat in your house and office, you may wish to contact a commercial heating contractor to judge your business or home to see what must be done to chill them down.

Heating contractors have your interests in focus. They may suggest that using your blinds or drapes to dam out the daylight is also particularly helpful. This is because of the plain fact the more heat that enters your house the more it's got to be removed. Drapes have been discovered to be better than blinds in reducing heat, along with the installation of ceilings fans in a couple of rooms.

In order to employ your air conditioner to its fullest it's critical to think about buying one which has a built in timer for your central unit or an add-on one for any window units. They should be set to switch off when you leave your house and turn on about half an hour before arriving back home. The setting on your air conditioner should be somewhere around 78 degrees but the higher you go the more cash you save.

To achieve the appropriate temperature in your home you might even need to call a heating contractor to see if you need a new air conditioning and heating system. You may need to install an alternative system such as a mini-split system with an outside condenser that runs directly into each room.

Or you could do simple things like clean the filter, check to see if the capacity is appropriate, ensure that your condenser is in a cool location, or add a window unit to cool just one room. It is true than an air conditioner will cool down the temperature quickly but you should think before simply flicking the switch.

by: Delia Mashindo

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