subject: Is It Safe To Travel To Israel? [print this page] Israel is a great place to have a vacation and getaway from the hustle and bustle of life. It is a tourist destination that is on the top list of many but few actually go there because of safety concerns. According to actual statistics, the chance of being killed in Israel due to a terrorist attack is just 0.002753%. This number even includes the Israel residents.
Israel has experienced its own version of terrorism in the past. For this reason, they are among the countries who strive to fight terrorism. There are police roaming the streets of Israel night and day in order to keep the peace and order. Even the Israel intelligence force is a known worldwide for being the best at what they do.
There are guards in every tourist establishment in Israel so you can stay relaxed when shopping, dining out or just roaming around. Even ordinary citizens are licensed to carry a gun in public. About 7% of the Israel residents have a licensed gun with them so chances of terror attacks are slim.
Due to the violent history of Israel, people there are now more aware of the signs of terrorist attacks. The slightest motion or eye contact can trigger their instincts. Terrorists are aware of this as well so they try very hard to avoid the area. No terrorist in their right mind would dare disturb Israel for it is a Holy Place for Christians, Jews and Muslims alike. Taking this to mind, you can say that Jewish Israel tours are one of the safest tours you can get.
Israel tours Jewish people have are very safe even at night. Men and women alike can safely roam the streets of the tourist hubs in Israel and feel very secure. The streets are well lighted and police officers patrol the area.
Israel tours Jewish people have are so safe even hitchhiking is a norm. The Israelis are friendly people because it is a close knit community. People there know each other or at least are familiar with each other. If you are lost or you need to find a place, just ask any Israeli and he or she will be more than willing to show you the way.
by: Robert Lenoir
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