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subject: Full Vs. Modified Breast Lift : 2 Options To Get Droopy Breasts Perky Again [print this page]

As the years roll by, it might be time for a little chest modification! Plastic surgery offers the "breast lift." Unlike the full-scale boob-job, this is a smaller operation that's intended to enhance your breasts and get you feeling good about your body again.

Why get the lift? The main reason women choose this option is that it's effective in raising droopy breasts. A saggy chest doesn't have to happen to you. It also makes you feel younger, and gets you excited about all the clothes you can now wear to show off that fabulous chest.

There are two kinds available. One is the "full breast lift," and the other is the "modified breast lift." Let's see what they are and what they have to offer.

Boost Boobs

The full breast lift is a great option for women suffering from sag. The doctor places incisions in two areas-One, underneath the fold; and Two, vertically along the nipple. Once the cuts are made, the doc will adjust the tissue underneath your breast, tightening things up and giving your boobs a more buoyant, perky look.

Go Halfway

The modified type is a minor version of the full one. The main difference is that the doctor uses fewer incisions. This means less scarring, less risk of complications, and a quicker and easier surgery. It's ideally suited for women with less droop.

Which One's Best For You?

Before you decide which is best for you, there are some things to consider. The modified version of the surgery is much easier and leaves fewer scars. But, there's also a limit to the results. Basically, the modified operation is suited for certain women, and not everybody's an ideal candidate.

On the other hand, the full version offers a near-boob-job for women who aren't into undergoing major surgery or serious changes in the size or shape of their breasts. This option gets your breasts perkier and less droopy, but it won't give you the giant bust of a movie star.

Ultimately, which version of the surgery is best depends on what you want, and your doctor's recommendation. A skilled plastic surgeon will be able to take a look at your chest and recommend the best solution. If you need a hefty lift to restore that natural, youthful appearance, they'll recommend the full version. If you're lucky and you just need a little nip and tuck, your surgeon will go with the modified version and get results with less scarring.

Either way, you can get your breasts looking the way they should look-pert, bouncy and youthful. And it can all be done without implants or major surgery! Talk to a plastic surgeon in your area about what can be done for your chest with this procedure.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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