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subject: How Are You Printing Money From Your Online Business During This Recession? [print this page]

How Are You Printing Money From Your Online Business During This Recession?

Economists estimated that THE RECESSION began in December of 2007. According to The Bureau of Labor Statistics,, around 15 MILLION workers are without a job in 2009. And that's just those that report to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics (it's probably more like 30 million). Still a record number of families have lost their home. And congress agreed to allow the Federal Reserve to infuse nearly a TRILLION dollars of printed money.

My question to YOU is, If the Federal Reserve can print money then why cant you do it to? I know youre thinking that Ive lost it, so let me clarify exactly what I mean. No Im NOT recommending that you literally go to your local Kinkos and massively print off counterfeit one hundred dollar bills. However I do suggest that you follow the lead of the wealthiest top 3 percent and generate passive income on a monthly basis.

It is this passive income or cash flow that is your way of printing money. The current financial environment is scary. Economists have hinted that this has been the worst recession since The Great Depression. Not only has IT affected the US but the rest of the world as well.

Dont let the current economic environment hold you back. YOU can print YOUR own money. Be proactive and take the leap Today. Entrepreneurs just like you are working from home on their home based internet business.

by: AmysMLMFortune

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