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subject: High Noon App Reviewed [print this page]

Whilst text-based on the internet role playing games run amok in the app store, happylatte (known by most as the developers who brought to you the Pet Monkey Toilet Trainer games) has stepped up with their own contribution with High Noon, a realistic westerns-based online game featuring the addictive rpg qualities that gamers already know and love mixed with some wicked gunslinging action.

Like similar games, High Noon is based around the concept of 'energy', which permits you to duel other people a certain amount of times before you have to let it recharge. However, instead of fighting in a strictly textual way, like 'Mafia Wars' kind games, Higher Noon really incorporates some actual time action into the game with fantastic results. Because of this, you wish to make certain you're in an area with great web connectivity; else the video game will spit out a warning about how you'll need a powerful connection to play.

Dueling in the video game involves tilting your phone (or pod, or pad) to control your gun's reticule and tapping to shoot. To reload, merely tilt your device forward. Rather than gaining experience points to degree up, the Higher Noon uses a system of gold bounties on an enemy's death. If you successfully slay your enemy in mortal combat, you'll get a tidy sum of gold toward gaining your next level.

My biggest criticism is how repetitive Higher Noon can tend to be, particularly if you need to collect a substantial amount of gold to reach your following degree. While you can liven up battles by buying products for one-time use (I enjoyed stringing up bad guys with a lasso for shits and giggles), High Noon can tend to get dry when you've a wide swath of enemies to shoot via.

Because High Noon is a 'freemium' game, you have the option to buy a secondary currency, 'wampum', utilizing actual cash from an in-game store. Whilst wampum allows to you buy much more powerful and valuable items, the game does have a generous selection of items to become purchased with gold.

All in all, High Noon is really a powerful, addictive game. With its combination smooth real-time action bits and a leisurely leveling up and upgrade system, High Noon is the cream of the crop of on the internet freemium games. And since it's totally free, be certain to give it a download if you're interested, and leave your thoughts about the game in the comments.

by: James Walke

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