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History And Evolution Of Swimwear

The history of beachwear is very interestingThe history of beachwear is very interesting. The topic of womens beachwear and swimwear has been a hot topic of discussion always. As years have passed, the trends have changes and so have the styles available for womens beachwear. The idea behind the introduction of swimwear was to cover some body parts of women who wished to and had the confidence to bathe in public. The functions and the patterns of the costumes have changed a lot since then.

As per the information and data available it is said that the costume was first used in Greece in 350 BC. It is said that after the decline of the Roman Empire, water sports were discouraged and swimwear went out of fashion. Spas were introduced in France around the 18th century and it was here that both men and women bathed together in public. Initially taking a swim meant to take a dip in the water with women on one side and men on the other.

The earliest swim suit was a variation of a bathing gown. These were very uncomfortable to wear and in order to prevent any exposure, ladies started attaching lead weights to them. When Americans started visiting beaches in the 1800s a revolution in swim wear began. Sunbathing, water sports and swimming became popular and this brought about a change in the styles of swimwear for women. With increase in the popularity of these activities there was a need for swimwear as an outfit was needed which made it convenient to these activities and also which protected humility.

By the 1880s swimming was very popular and then a swimsuit which had trousers and a blouse in one piece and a separate skirt to cover the figure was introduced. After that variants started coming in where the body was exposed. From the beginning of the 20th century swimwear and beachwear became very fashionable as the swimsuits became smaller and more transparent. Around this time a two piece womens swimwear was introduced. It had two parts where one covered the groin and the other the breasts.

Similar to the changes in womens swimwear, mens swimwear also changed. The mens swim wear was always different from that of women and gave a masculine look. After 1950s womens swimwear became very bold and mens swimwear started becoming vibrant and had fancy patterns and designs.

by: John Ciena

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