subject: If You Are Not Getting The Cheapest Auto Insurance Rates [print this page] If you are not getting the cheapest auto insurance rates, perhaps it is time to review you carrier and look into something new. It is something that is mandatory in a lot of states these days, and unfortunately it can take a toll on your finances. While none of us plan on having an accident, it does happen. But you should not have to go broke to get decent coverage that you may never have to file a claim on.
Let us have a look at some of the basic discounts that most companies offer. Some of these are standard and are part of what determines the quote you will receive. Your age is one factor that plays a role in your policy pricing. Younger persons, such as teens, tend to have higher rates because they do have a higher number of accidents as a whole.
3The number of accidents or violations you may have on your diving record will also be a determining factor when it comes to getting a lower price quote. Those who have a higher number of accidents and violations are considered to be high risk and may end up paying a little more out of pocket costs for their policy.
Whether you own a home or have homeowner coverage could also be a considering factor. Many homeowner policies also have vehicle coverage. Combining the two may offer a greater discount than one would receive if purchased individually. This option is also rather convenient to the consumer and appealing in that manner.
An often overlooked discount that is available to almost everyone is the driver improvement courses that are available. Taking a drivers course can qualify you for additional discounts with most coverage companies. Also installing anti-theft devices such as an alarm system or even the use of a steering wheel lock device may get you additional discounts.
These are just some of the basic discounts that most companies offer when giving you a quote. It is a good idea when shopping around to the different agencies available, that you contact them or look into additional discounts that they may offer prior to accepting coverage.
If you are not getting the cheapest auto insurance rates then you are not saving the money you should be. There is no reason to go broke just to maintain coverage. With a little planning and resourcefulness, you can get a great deal and get great coverage all at the same time.
by: Lance Thorington
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