subject: Is Car Insurance No License Obtainable [print this page] It is not very well known that car insurance no license is possible. Often people are not able to legally drive in their own state, however they have international permits or cards. There is also the scenario whereby people do not have the right to drive and yet are in possession of a car. They need to be legal for the purposes of keeping the vehicle registered in their name.
The sad thing is that many people believe that they are unable to get insurance without a license. This causes them to drive around without insurance. The other school of thought is that the premiums will be higher. In truth, neither of these beliefs is definite.
Every company has their own underwriting criteria, which they follow. Some of them will not be able to assist people who are unauthorized to drive. It is important that you disclose all relevant information to the company when you apply for cover. Any false information supplied at underwriting stage will only result in the claim being repudiated.
While there may be companies that will pay out unlicensed drivers in the event of an accident, the policy does not provide for what the law may do. You are likely to face charges that could result in fines, suspension and even having your license revoked. The punishment for illegal driving can become quite harsh depending on your circumstances.
There are ways to become a legal driver and these can be sourced from browsing the Internet. Many people who are not permitted to drive will not even try to get coverage. The fact of the matter is both of these are extremely important and must be obtained at some point, it may as well be sooner than later.
Browsing the Internet will reveal a host of companies that are not too hung up on a lot of paperwork. There are at least twelve of these that will entertain your application without wanting proof of your eligibility to drive a vehicle.
You could also chance your luck and apply to any company hoping they will not inquire about your eligibility to drive. Complete the forms and hand them in, there is a possibility that the subject will not even come up.
The other option is to take your learners permit to the company. This is indicates a firm intention that you are serious about adhering to the law. It is possible to get car insurance no license cover; you just have to be smart about it.
by: Lance Thorington
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