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Finding The Cheapest Insurance Company

When looking for the cheapest insurance company, the main thing to keep in mind is that every company is different, and that every driver is different, as well. This means that when you're trying to find a great deal on your auto insurance, you might not be best off just going with whatever company your friend got a heck of a deal with.

You see, your friend who's paying X amount at that insurance company, he doesn't have the same driving record as you, he doesn't have the same car as you, he doesn't have the same driving habits as you and so on and so on.

The company that will give you a great deal on, say, insurance for a company vehicle might not necessarily be the same company that will give you a great deal on full coverage for a new car, or minimum coverage for an old clunker, or great motorcycle coverage and on and on and on.

So in other words, there's really no one cheapest insurance company, simple as that. There is, however, the cheapest company for you, your car, your record and your insurance coverage needs. There may be a single company that will give you the cheapest rates if you've had a couple fender benders, drive a nineties model van and just want basic coverage, but there's really no company that will give you that and/or the lowest insurance rates on a new truck.

The most important thing if you're looking for a great deal is to narrow the whole search down by going through an insurance agency. Their job is to help you get the very best deal available for you, and by doing so, they take all the footwork out of the equation for you.

If you want to spend several days on end doing nothing but comparing quotes from various insurers, go right ahead. But if you have other things to do in a day, use an agency.

Of course, at the end of the day "cheap" means "affordable" and "affordable" means "whatever you don't mind paying". If you want to spend a little more for better coverage or better service, that's up to you. However, if you just want a great, low price, you'll definitely want to let an agency narrow the search down for you. It saves you a lot of time and, more importantly, it saves you a whole lot of money in the long run.

by: Lance Thorington

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