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Making Your Postcard Marketing Plan Better

Postcard marketing is very effective if you know how to execute your plan. Making an effective postcard takes time and effort. If done the right way, marketing with postcards can help you increase your sales and attract more prospective customers to visit your business website. The following are some cost-effective tips on how you can improve your postcard marketing plan:

Your Mailing List is Important.

It is your main goal to make sure that every postcard you send to your recipients would encourage them to respond positively. This is the reason why you should focus on making your mailing list. Send postcards to people who will most likely be interested in what you are offering. Choose carefully the people you want to send your postcards to for this will help you save time, effort and most especially, money.

Make Friendlier Messages.

Marketing with postcards is done to generate sales but it is also important to address your recipients not just as consumers but as friends as well. Try to make your messages friendlier and always be polite.

Choose First Class Mail Over Standard Mail.

Some entrepreneurs have limited budget so they choose sending their postcards by Standard Mail. However, it is important to note that a Standard Mail takes up to 2-3 weeks to distribute while a First Class Mail just takes 3-5 business days to deliver. Add to this, it comes with a "Return to Sender" option so you can be sure that all the cards you sent reaches the intended recipients. It may cost you a few more cents but think of the benefits a First Class Mail brings than that of a Standard Mail.

Proper Timing Counts.

Most experts recommend sending mails or postcards on Tuesdays or Wednesdays since the volume of mails delivered during these days is lighter. Usually, the busiest day of the week for post or mail offices is Mondays so avoid sending your postcards on this day to avoid lots of mails being delivered at the same time.

Make A Brief and Precise Message.

The reason why postcard marketing is effective is because consumers are often too busy to read long letters or mails. Some are even too tired to open the envelope. A well-made postcard should contain a short yet clear and captivating message.

Motivate Readers.

Due to a limited space, it is not wise to use postcards to close sales. The important thing to include in your postcard is just a brief introduction about who you are and what company you represent, the benefits your recipient will get when they accept your offer or avail your products or services and how they can reach you (include your business number/s, website, etc.).

The Simpler, The Better.

Elegant layouts can surely attract many readers but remember that it will cost you more to have them printed. Never make your postcard design too elaborated. Make your layouts simple and include short but informative messages. You can have these postcards printed using your own computer or you can hire a commercial printer.

You won't have to spend too much to make a successful postcard marketing. What's important is to reach out to your target market and for this to be possible, you need to focus on your mailing list, make an attractive layout and compose an effective message.

Copyright (c) 2009 Luie De Von

by: Luie De Von

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