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The Leisures Of Lisbon

One of the safest urban centers in Western Europe is Lisbon, Portugal. When traveling to Europe, tourists often worry about being pick-pocketed while in major metropolises. Lisbon has the least amount of violent crime compared to other major European metropolises, and really has the best value for your money. You can stay in the most luxurious hotels in Lisbon for an inexpensive amount.

You will have lots of exploring chances in and around this lively city, the chances of getting bored are slim to none. If you are looking for a close destination from the United States, Lisbon is the place for you. Within a 2 hour flight from any other major European city, its convenient location will permit you a short weekend away or quick trip.

Having some of the best world-famous beaches in the world within 20 minutes of the central part of Lisbon, Guincho and Costa do Caparic is where avid surfboarders and swimmers would go to enjoy fun water activities. Lisbon is blessed, being the only European capital that is such a short trip from the ocean. Sandy beaches are near the city and travelers from all over can enjoy the endless dune-backed sands. This is something you can enjoy in Lisbon year round due to the climate. They have the warmest climate around Western Europe, with degrees rarely dropping below 50 degrees in the winter while other cities are freezing.

If you are a multi-faceted traveler that can appreciate the beauty of spending a day at the sea, basking in the warm sun and laying on the endless stretch of sand then spending your evenings under the starry night, taking in the sights and sounds of one of the most lively, vibrant cities in Western Europe. You can feel the rich, cultural treasures as you are walking down the attractively lined cobble stone streets.

The best area for shopping in Lisbon is Rua Augusta. The main pedestrian street in the city, it features outdoor eateries and coffee bars, international shops and peddlers and vendors doing anything they can to get your attention and sell you t shirts and mementos for your loved ones back home. As you walk through the amazing architecture, the streets are all lined with tile mosaic pavements, the ideal setting for upscale shopping.

Lisbon is the historical capital of Western Europe and on your next visit, whatever brings you to the city will have you wanting to experience this magical setting again.

by: Richard Bell

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