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subject: Acne Symptoms, Causes And Treatments [print this page]

Both types can turn into inflamed and swollen inflammations, which are usually called pimples. Though acne is extremely common in teenagers, starting at ages 10-13 and lasting between 5-10 years, 20% of cases of acne are in adults. And though acne breakouts are usually on the face, they can also happen on the back, neck, chest and shoulders. It is an uncomfortable and often embarrassing problem.

The causes of acne are still being debated today. Though a bad diet, stress and poor hygiene can contribute to acne, they most likely do not cause it. Hormone levels, bacteria growth, and genetics play the most part in the causes of acne, because they often control the levels of oiliness or dryness of your skin.

Even with a healthy diet and a low-stress lifestyle, acne can emerge. There are many different treatments that you can choose. The most common and the most affordable are acne facial cleansers that you can find in any drug store. This will often require experimentation. For instance, benzoyl peroxide is used in acne treatments such as Proactive and Clean and Clear Advantage and can be helpful in preventing breakoutshowever, it is such a strong ingredient that some peoples' skin are too dried out by it, and may cause skin to peel. You need to experiment with all different kinds of acne medication before giving up.

For more stubborn types of acne, there are prescription medications that can be taken as well. There are antibiotics that help take care of the bacteria P. acnes, which will decrease inflammation and the amount of time it spends on your skin. Oral contraceptives are also sometimes used as acne treatment, because they can produce hormones that help prohibit acne. Obviously, these are only for women.

Another way to get rid of acne is through spa acne treatments, such as chemical peels and microdermabrasion. These get rid of dead skin skills, help promote collagen production, and get help get rid of old acne scars.

You don't have to suffer through your acne. See an acne specialist to get help today.

by: Kathleen Cansler

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