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Expanding Your Business With Free Credit Card Terminals

Businesses willing to expand and take risks often derive the greatest benefits. With new digital technology, more payment options became available for a company willing to pioneer a new field. There are many success stories of companies utilizing a new payment technology to become the leader in new markets. and have built their entire business models around online credit payments, alternate payments options, and customer account services.

Thankfully, businesses today can take advantage of these technologies without having to enter unknown territory. Merchant credit card processing has become available to companies both big and small, ranging from a self-employed contractor to the largest corporations. The risk in any new investment is still present, but there are now free credit card terminal programs that are being offered to help businesses take the first step with new purchasing models. Let's investigate some of the ways free credit card terminals can be leveraged to benefit different business plans.

Payment Portals

Digital payments made through credit card terminals can be used for more than one service. For example, PayPal allows a single credit card transaction to be utilized in an account to pay for products and services, transfer money, and establish business-to-business transactions. A payment portal can be established to link a key fob to a credit card, allowing customers to swipe a device from their keychain to complete their purchases. This technology has seen great usage at service stations for payments at the pump and in attached convenience stores. Similarly, a single card swipe can enable a company's clients to access available services and products while maintaining an automatic payment account to streamline future business.

Account Services

Online transactions can expand customer service options. Accounts can be maintained through the Internet or a mobile phone, allowing customers to track their services or shipments, pay outstanding invoices, update billing information, and receive automated helpdesk service. All of these services are built on digital credit payments allowing a greater degree of automation to save time and reduce overhead costs.

Free credit card terminals can also offer more simple services for point of sale transactions. Restaurants can have taxes and tips automatically tallied for customers who pay through a terminal. Donation services can be offered at the end of a retail purchase, allowing a convenient way to foster charitable donations. Running tabs and open accounts can be created with a retailer, where the customer can then resolve a balance by swiping their credit card. This great option makes keeping track of and resolving invoices much easier, all from free credit card terminals.

In the end, there is very little risk involved in testing how free credit card terminals and their associate services can benefit a business. A successful test drive can open new opportunities for expansion, improve customer satisfaction, and grow a market share. Finding an available program is the perfect first step for researching growth opportunities.

by: Chris Harmen

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