subject: Avoid Unscrupulous Motor Insurance Providers [print this page] According to a survey carried out in the UK a substantial number of consumers are paying insurance premiums considered as being too high. This is a matter of concern because living costs seem to escalate and then never come down again making life very expensive.
If you want to take out a motor insurance policy then be aware of insurance providers prepared to overcharge you. They take advantage of consumers who don't have the financial means to settle their insurance costs by means of a yearly lump sum. In such a circumstance, the only insurance cover they are prepared to provide you is by means of a costly monthly payment.
It's not hard to figure out it's a catch twenty two situation for such motorists. The UK law demands that every person driving on public roads must be in possession of a valid insurance policy. This means you can't eliminate having to pay for insurance to protect your car. The vast majority of UK inhabitants need their cars for getting to and from work, ferrying round the children to necessary activities and taking care of the needs of elderly relatives. In other words, we can't do without our cars for transport.
However, your need for a car does not mean insurance providers have an automatic right to overcharge you. In fact, there are many highly reputable insurance providers who do not operate in this manner as they are aware most consumers in the UK need to pay their premium on a monthly basis. There are unscrupulous insurance providers who hike up the cost of motor insurance by a yearly eighteen percent.
In order to avoid such insurance providers only deal with those who are well established in the industry and are held in high esteem by consumers. Such providers will be only too willing to take into account all the reasons for bringing down your monthly premium to as low as is fair to them and you.
It is important for you to understand the insurance industry is highly competitive and insurance providers want your business. To get a good idea of what the majority of motorists are paying for their insurance on a monthly basis simply ask for online quotes. In this way, you are under no obligation to divulge any of your personal details. You will simply be provided with a list of a variety of quotes from a number of providers. It is a good idea to do such a request before you actually make contact with a specific insurance provider. Having some background knowledge places you in a better position to ascertain whether or not a provider is fair.
If an insurance company does not take into account factors like secure overnight parking facilities and your clean driving record then look for another provider. These are important issues that lower your monthly premium. Well established motor insurance providers will offer motorists a no claim bonus reward after a specified period o
by: Christopher Reinhold
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