subject: Roof Repair 101 For Storm-damaged Roofs [print this page] An old saying goes as, Theres a rainbow after the rain. For people who have just survived a storm, this rainbow might seem to be sill pat of the distant horizon as they try to first have their roofs checked for damages and consequently repaired if there are any.
Doing roof repair after the storm is not as easy as it looks. Except if you are a trained roofer yourself, you can only do some minor first aid steps in order to prevent the damage from getting bigger. One of the temporary roof repair steps that you can do is called the emergency tarping where a tarpaulin is placed over your leaky roof. This prevents your roof from getting damaged even further. However, you have to make sure that you place the tarpaulin tightly over your roof in order to prevent the wind from getting under it and causing it to be blown away with, possibly, some parts of your roof. Keep in mind also that this roof remedy does not work for flat roofs.
Another temporary roof remedy is to put roof sealants on the holes where the leaks are occurring. However, you can only do this if you are sure where the leak is coming from. If the leak is already wicking, this might not be the best step to take as the sealant might not be able to hold up against the pressure.
If you have a flat roof, you might want to consider removing debris and leaves that might have accumulated there during the storm. This would give you an idea which areas would need repair which you can then report to the roofer Minneapolis, MN has that you would hire. Be extra careful, however, as some areas of your roof might already be weak and give way.
As soon as you have made these temporary roof remedies, and you are sure that the weather has already cleared up, get in touch with a reliable roofer Minnetonka, MN has in order for the permanent roof repair to start.
There are a number of roofing contractors in Minneapolis. It does not matter if you are going for a roofer Minnetonka, MN has or a roofer from Minneapolis, MN since both roofers would be covered by the same laws and procedures for roofing professionals.
by: Tony Parik
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