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The Country Of Brand - Sweden

Sweden, officially, the Kingdom of Sweden is situated on the southeast of the Scandinavian Peninsula in Northern Europe, with nine million people living in an area of 449,964 km2. However, 90% of the population mainly lives in the south and the central area. Among its nine million people, 81.9% are Swedes and 5.1% are Finns.

Sweden has bordered with a lot of countries via land and water. In terms of the land border, to its west, it is Norway, and to the northeast, it is Finland. With regards to water border, it has Denmark, Germany and Poland to the south and Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Russia to the east. A bridge channel was also built between Sweden and Denmark.

The official language of the country is Swedish and most people speak English as their second language, however, it will be helpful to know some basic ones like Say hej for hello, and tack for thank you.

It was the Swedish Empire in 17th century, but until now there is not a war in Sweden for almost two century, from which we can see that this is country which loves peace very much. Nowadays, Sweden is a constitutional monarchy with a parliamentary democracy. The monarchy is h King Carl XVI Gustaf while the Prime Minister is responsible for the day-to-day business.
The Country Of Brand - Sweden

With the stable in politics, Swedens economy continues to grow. According to latest news, from April to June, Swedish economy grew 3.7% compared to same period last year. The World Economic Forum 2009-2010 competitiveness index ranks Sweden the 4th most competitive economy in the world.

So, what drives the economy of Sweden forward? The answer may result from its worldwide brands such as Ericsson, Volvo, ABB, H&M, IKEA and so forth.


The automobile brand Volvo has almost become the substitute word of safety in peoples mind. The luxury and secure feeling it offers to the customers has contributed it huge success.

However, this car brand recently has been sold to a company in China by Ford.


Want to add some furniture in your house? Go to IKEA. Due to its low price strategy, it has been now the world's largest furniture retailer. People sometimes will mistake IKEA as an American brand, but actually, IKEA was founded by the 17-year-old Ingvar Kamprad in Sweden in 1943.

The advertising campaign by IKEA is quite innovative and pioneer compared with its competitors. It launched the first commercial advertisement to target lesbians and tried to reach gay customers by featuring a transgender woman.


Sweden is not just a country famous for quality, it is also fashionable enough. The success of its clothes brand H&M can be seen from the fact that nearly more than 80% of people in European countries have at least one piece of H&M.


Sweden has 42 airports. The major ones are: Stockholm-Arlanda International Airport (the largest in Scandinavia.), Gothenburg International Airport, Malm-Sturup International Airport, Stockholm-Skavsta Airport, Stockholm-Bromma Airport, Lule Airport and Ume Airport.

Hiring a car will make the most of your journey in Sweden. Care rental companies like Avis, National, Sixt, Thrifty, HertzEuropcar, Budget and Auto Europe Car rental will take care of your needs.

by: johnalbert21

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