subject: How To Increase The Limit On Your Cards Very Easily! [print this page] If you have a credit card now, or maybe more than one, you have to start thinking about making any payments you owe on time and also start remembering to keep your debt-to-credit ratio as low as you can. Make sure you constantly keep your credit high. So, for example if you have a high credit limit of $5000 try to always owe $500 to every $1,500 that you have of credit. Also remember to keep your payments on time and regular; this will allow you to eventually gain higher credit limits in the future.
Why not get as much from the credit companies as you can, even if you have no intention of using it? A good trick to remember is to call your credit card lender twice a year. Provided you have kept up to date with the minimum payments and you are actually using the credit that the credit card company has given you, they will want to give you more credit! All these companies want you to do is to use the credit remember that their pockets do not get padded with dollars unless you are using the credit. So as long as you can afford to make the payments and you stay on time, they will practically never say no to a
phone call from you asking to raise your credit limit on the card! This is a great way to increase your credit score extremely easily!
It is possible to do this at least twice a year. So let us think about it: If you ring up twice a year and the credit card company raises your card limit by $1,000 every time, your high credit limit raises every year by $2,000. Think about what your limit on your card and your report could be a couple of years down the line!
by: Jim Atman
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