subject: Why Can't I Get Pregnant? 7 Tips That Will Help You Get Pregnant Faster [print this page] Trying to get pregnant faster? If you've been doing everything you can and wondering 'Why can't I get pregnant?', here's 7 tips that will tell you what to do to get pregnant.
1. Follow Your Cycle
Getting pregnant faster is a lot easier if you are following your menstrual cycle. Begin maintaining a menstrual calendar, and flag the days your period begins and ends. Start to know how your body works, and how to know when your fertile times are. There are three ways you will know when you are fertile and can conceive:
One, look at your cervical mucus. When you are fertile, your cervical mucus will maximize, and the consistency will be nearly the same to egg whites.
Two, check your cervix. It will feel very fleshy and soft on your most fertile days. Your cervix is placed higher up in your vagina... do not be embarrassed about finding it!
Lastly, take your temperature. Throughout ovulation, your temperature will be higher.
2. Recognise When To Conceive
Are you cognizant of when your most fertile days are? In general, you are most likely to conceive during the five days prior to ovulation, and then just 12 hours after you ovulate. If you don't have sexual relations during this schedule, then You'll have to wait until the following month.
3. Be Environmentally Aware
To your vaginal environment, that is! Are you aware that perfumed tampons, lubricants and vaginal sprays and douches can deter conception? Refrain from them when you are attempting to become pregnant.
4. Get Your Freak On...
Having spectacular sex can absolutely enable you to become pregnant. How? When you achieve orgasm, a suction effect is created that helps your cervix to carry semen into your vagina. All the more reason that an enjoyable sex life is one of the best ways to get pregnant!
5. ... But do not Go Too Crazy
Quality is more important than quantity, so don't undertake to turn sex into an every-day (or billion times per day) act during your fertile time. You'll just become stressed and worn out, and not enjoy it as much.
6. Use The Best Position To Get Pregnant
No, it's nothing miraculous or out of the Kama Sutra. Just stay put, lying down on your back, for more or less five minutes after you have finished intercourse. Sperm are pretty tough, but don't force them to fight against gravity by leaping up right away.
7. Plan On Patience
It takes the average couple around six months to get pregnant.. What's more, anything up to one year is deemed perfectly conventional by many doctors. So presume that it may take some time, even while you are doing everything 'right'... and just relax about it, and let nature have her way.
by: judymont3232
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