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subject: Plastic Surgery Gone Wrong: What Are Your Options? [print this page]

When celebrities get bad plastic surgery work done, it's funny... but when it's YOU, it's no laughing matter! Now, you've got to face that face every day in the mirror. Do something about it!

Call the Surgeon: The first step is to simply call the plastic surgeon that did the work. Explain your feelings to them and ask what they think. With nine out of ten bad jobs, the disappointed patient is just suffering from impatience. The first few weeks after, it may not look right yet. Sometimes it takes some time for the healing process to work. If this is the case, the doctor can tell you if the problem is normal or not.

If it's not a matter of recovery, you've got to consider other options with them. A good surgeon will ask to you to come to their office for a consultation. If they feel that they're at fault, they can fix the work for you. If they can't see the problem, it's on to the next option.

The Revision Surgery: One option is to simply accept the new look and move on. Some people can decide it was a mistake in the first place, and the change is not so noticeable, so why bother? But for most people who're suffering from plastic procedures gone wrong, this is not an option. You got the work done in the first place because you wanted to make a change, so there's no point in stopping halfway.

A better option is revision surgery. Revision work is easier than the initial job, and almost always cheaper. It also carries less risk of anything going wrong. Rather than a regular surgical operation, it is considered reconstructive surgery. In this case, the doctor is working with existing conditions to tweak a little here and there, and achieve a desired result.

For your revision work, find a surgeon who is skilled in reconstructive operations. This will ensure that they know how to get the job one right. After all, it's a little different than a standard nose job or brow lift.

Learn From The Past And Get The Results You Want: This time around, let's get it right. The first thing is to find the right person to do the procedure. Find someone who is not only skilled and experienced, but also easy to communicate with. This is just as important as training and certifications. You need someone who can give you a clear idea of what to expect, and who can answer all of your questions to your satisfaction.

Knowing exactly what you want will also ensure the best result. Pinpoint the exact problem and work with your doctor for the right solution. Knowing what to expect will help you achieve the right results. Get the right doctor and know what to expect and you won't have to get plastic surgery a third time!

by: Abigail Aaronson

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