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subject: Getting A View Of Brisbane While You Relax In A Wonderful Accommodation [print this page]

Getting A View Of Brisbane While You Relax In A Wonderful Accommodation

The Stamford Plaza Brisbane is a 4 star Accommodation which sits right on the Brisbane River overlooking the Story Bridge. In the evening, as the city and bridge light up, you'll discover the views, from this wonderful location are nothing short of magnificent. There are river views from each of the room in this hotel with outstanding views from the rooms on the southern side of the building. The lobby is crafted in marble, giving it a very royal appearance, with palm trees, oil paintings, and mirrors throughout.

Right outside the hotel is a lovely riverside boardwalk that will take you to the restaurants that line Eagle Street Pier and the lush Brisbane City Gardens lie right outside the Stamford Plaza as well. Neighboring to the hotel is a 19th Century building that houses one of the best fine dining restaurants in the whole city, Siggi's is very popular amongst natives and visitors alike.

Sure, it is only a 4 star Accommodation although it is possibly the loveliest Accommodation in all of Brisbane and Even though the rooms aren't enormous, they're astonishingly decorated with substantial bathrooms that are each furnished with their very own TV. All room gives guests a coffee maker, cable TV, a mini bar, along with room service.

The hotel itself has 3 restaurants and three pubs, a full service spa that offers in room massages, baby-sitting, a salon, and tour desk, a fully furnished health club along with its own Jacuzzi and sauna, and a small, heated outdoor pool. There are a lot of things to do inside of the hotel and in the immediate surrounding area that there is little need to rent an automobile seeing that the Stamford Plaza will present you with airport transportation if you would like it.

Certainly, Brisbane is a beautiful city no matter where you decide to stay but the Stamford Plaza Brisbane is by far one of the excellent treasures located in the core of Brisbane. With outstanding on site conveniences and a great deal to do up and down the Riverside Boardwalk this location gives visitors more than just great views of the city at night, it provides the full big city experience.

by: Kathy Smith

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