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Your Rv Trip: Making Plans Or Not

RVs are convenientRVs are convenient. It can't be denied. That statement is irrefutable. And owning an RV is even more convenient. It makes it possible to travel on the spur of the moment. It makes it possible to indulge random whims. It makes it possible to avoid expensive flights and accommodations.

Spur of the moment travelers AND those who plan their RV trips meticulously often take advantage of national parks and recreational areas. (Top hotspots of California and Arizona were both discussed in a recent article). These areas are dispersed throughout the US. They offer a wide variety of beautiful scenery, fantastic peeks into the natural habitat of the area's wildlife, and access to plenty of space and opportunity for outdoor recreation. Many are home to amazing natural wonders. Other RV travelers arrange their trips around group events like weddings or reunions. others arrange their trips around visiting family. They might start off with their Aunt Marge in Bethesda, MD and then hit their cousin Bernice's, their Nephew George's, their brother John's and finish off the trip at their sister's house.

But there's one other option that is just perfect for RV travel. It's fun and it's zany. RV owners enjoy planning trips that are going to hit the not so exotic, unique destinations that make us smile, but are often overlooked when it comes to the official "vacation" like the world's largest ball of twine or the factory that made the biggest sugar cookie ever created. Or another take on the zany trip is to create a trip based around the teeny holidays that you might not even know about until you take the time to look it up.

For instance in July there are tons of holidays. July 2nd is the halfway point of the year. That's something to celebrate. July 4th is obviously Independence Day. And July 5th is Apple Turnover Day. (We suggest making sure there's a nearby mom and pop diner that specializes in Apple Turnovers when you camp on July 5th).
Your Rv Trip: Making Plans Or Not

July 18th is National Ice Cream Day so make sure you end up near a fabulous little ice cream shop. July 25th is National Lasagna Day (again...celebrate appropriately).
Your Rv Trip: Making Plans Or Not

And we can't forget to point out that July is also both Family Golf Month and National Hot Dog Month so those two activities just have to be incorporated into the trip as well. So many things to celebrate! If you're skeptical...try not to be until you've given this form of vacationing a try. It's actually quite fun and relaxing. And you'll find that after you build the "bones" of your trip around the little holidays that most people overlook you can fit in a surprising number of "normal" sites on the off days. It will probably introduce you to a few new areas and sites, too, since you'll be doing things you wouldn't have if you weren't "celebrating."

It ends up being a really fun and interesting trip. It won't be one that everyone has already done so when you go to tell your vacation story you'll definitely have the floor. No one will be there saying, "Oh yes! When we went to see the largest rubber band ball we immediately followed it up with that very same Mom & Pop diner off highway 87 for lasagna in celebration of National Lasagna Day." Your story will be unique.

RVs offer fabulous, unique opportunities. Take full advantage of them. Make your trip suit you and your family; don't worry about what the hotspots are for your neighbor or your brother's girlfriend's sister's best friend. Who cares? Do you think the largest rubber band ball in the world is cool? Then why haven't you gone to see it? Get out on the open road and do it tomorrow.

by: Julie Jacobs

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