subject: The Challenges Of Launching Your Event Online [print this page] Event Organizers new to the online game need to be aware of the different challenges they will face. Why? Well, as the saying goes 'forewarned is forearmed'. Organizing an online event is slightly different from organizing an offline one and lack of knowledge about these differences might affect attendance levels at the event. The aim of this article is not to discourage you from taking your event online rather to arm you with knowledge on how to tackle the different challenges you might face and to encourage you to proactively devise marketing strategies to resolve any problems that might occur.
Here are 3 challenges you might face and suggestions on how to tackle them:
1. Awareness, Attraction & Attendees
Whether you are organizing an offline event or an online event, to attract attendees you have to run promotional activities. The only difference when running your promotion for an online event is that you need to promote your event website 'URL' along with the event. This reason for this co-promotion is to make your target audience aware that they can register online. For greater effective, you should add your website URL to all your communication - hoardings, press releases, brochures, banners etc. if you are sending out emails or e-invites make sure you include a 'Register Now' button that leads interested parties directly to the registration page on your event website.
2.Simplicity & Online Registration Forms
The internet is synonymous to quick and instant. By launching your event online, you are subconsciously informing your potential attendees that they can register for your event quickly and easily online. Therefore, when creating your online registration form you need to keep the following facts in mind:
Keep it simple and compact.
Ask only for relevant information. Unless you are organizing a religious retreat, you don't need to know whether he is Hindu, Muslim, Catholic or Jewish.
Use check box wherever possible to reduce time required to complete the form as online user abandons registration processes that exceeds a 5 to 10 minute limit.
Pre-populate the form of past attendees. This reduces time required and increases attendee satisfaction.
3.Convenience & Payment Options
Once an individual is convinced that he needs to attend your event, you need to confirm his attendance instantly before something else crops up and he changes his mind. An online registration facility gives you the option of securing the registration with a payment. To ensure that your online registration and payment facility achieves the maximum, you should keep in mind that not everyone holds a credit card, so it is important that the online registration and payment facility that you select offer a diverse range of payment options. This ensures that you can collect payments from big business tycoons holding credit cards and blue-collar workers who use cash cards or net banking accounts. An online registration facility is also a great way to reduce the number of no-shows.
These are just some of the challenges that you face when you launch online. The challenges listed may sound obvious but a surprising number of event organizers overlook these details when launching their events online for the first time. The point of creating awareness about these challenges is to prevent you from failing to generate sufficient revenue from your event and dismissing this profit-generating medium as worthless.
by: Aliceshown
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