subject: Recognizing Online Poker Tilt Before It Starts [print this page] Online poker is a lot like live poker in many ways, but there are some critical differences. One very important one players need to be aware of is that. for most players, it's far easier to go on tilt playing online than live.
Why? Simply because more terrible things can happen in a shorter space of time when you're playing online, especially if you're playing multiple tables. More hands means more beats, and more beats means, for most players, a greater chance of tilt.
That's why it's important to develop a system for recognizing online poker tilt before it starts. Since tilt can come on so quickly, so violently when you're playing online, if you don't have a way to see it before it really develops into a full-blown case, you're probably not going to be able to do much about it. After all, once you're already on tilt, it's too late.
Here are some quick tips you can use to manage your online poker tilt.
Understand the Causes of Your Tilt
Some people tilt when they take a beat. Other people tilt when they make a terrible play. Still others lose it when they miss several consecutive draws. There are a hundred reasons why players go on tilt, but the only ones that matter are the reasons why you go on tilt. Being very conscious of those reasons is a key step ins topping tilt, because if you know what precedes your tilt, you can learn to take breaks or cool down immediately after those triggers occur.
Be Creative With Fighting Tilt
Controlling tilt is a lot like exercise in some ways. If you always use the same methods, your body will get used to them and they simply won't be as effective as they once were. That's why it's important to have a full arsenal of tactics for subsuming tilt before it can really start. Don't just have one method, because what will you do if that one method fails? You'll tilt and blow off a chunk of your stack, that's what. Whether it's jumping jacks, music, a quick run, a stress ball, a rubber band the tactic that works is up to you to discover. My point here is only to remind you that you need to have a variety of tactics for cutting off tilt, because not every tactic is going to work every time.
Let Yourself Feel Something
I know poker players who are very focused on becoming some sort of machine, a player that doesn't even blink when a terrible beat happens. That's useful to some degree, but it's also horribly unnatural, and that facet of the approach will cause it to fail for most people eventually. You're human, and humans react to things emotionally. You're not trying to destroy that urge; you're trying to control and harness it. Stop trying to be perfect and start being practical with your approach to fighting and controlling tilt let yourself feel a bit of the anger, the frustration, and then work to make it pass. Don't bottle it up, or you'll find it escaping in some unlikely places.
by: James Mackinaw
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