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subject: The Way To Success In A Home-based Business Is Paved With Lots Of Obstacles [print this page]

The Way To Success In A Home-based Business Is Paved With Lots Of Obstacles

Any business makes for a thrilling yet stressful experience when it's just starting. Starting a home-based business is no exception. All the questions about doing everything right and if I'll be successful are in every business owners mind when first starting up. The big difference between a home based business startup and a regular or more "formal" business startup is the comfort level in your own home can work against you getting anything actually done.

Going into a store or an office focuses attention on the things that need done that day. A great many people organize their day by scheduling all their chores and objectives. When it comes to running a home-based business though, it is generally a near to impossible mission separating the work element from the family element. What with all the temptations in the house, such as the TV, and your favorite couch and your favorite show, you can't help yourself from wanting to take time out. And don't forget the fridge and all the yummy snacks stored around your kitchen just waiting for you to munch on them.

Any home-based business, particularly one that's just taking off, will require diligence which can be achieved if you schedule your day. Be professional in your scheduled working hours, and domestic in your scheduled leisure hours. If you've come up with a convenient schedule that requires you to be in your home office for a certain interval of time, try no to leave it before it's time to go "home".

Also, visiting with family or friends or walking the dog during business hours is a definite "no-no". Don't lose your focus. Flexibility when it comes to making adjustments to your business schedule is another significant problem in running a home-based business. Try to maintain your work habits as fixed as possible in the start period of your home business. Stick to your business hours or at least try no to cut back on them too much. This way your behavior will adjust accordingly and you'll be able to give 100% to ensure the success of your business. In time, you can start making adjustments to your schedule as you will afford to ease off on the work.

Whether it's home-based or office-based, selling nails or computer programs, the success of your business depends more than anything else on something only you can do. Yes, I'm talking about your work. Home based businesses don't mean that there's less work. It only means that you'll be working from home. The WORK part still is critical to your success. There are probably few people still unaware of the waste of time the corporate elite reverently refer to as "meetings". In a small business, we too can fall into patterns that keep us from doing the most important thing to assure success, and that's work.

The bottom-line is that you need to keep your business hours, work your hardest and don't lose focus, and success in your home-based business will soon follow.

by: Kathleen Wilcox

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