subject: How The Law Of Attraction Makes Successful And Happy Kids [print this page] What do we know about the law of attraction and what does it have to do with making successful and happy kids?
The law of attraction, being just one of The Universal Laws, has had a great deal of media coverage in recent years resulting in adults everywhere eagerly trying to manifest mortgage payments and grocery bills! However, this law is not a new concept, it appears throughout most religious teachings in one guise or another and is the backbone of many old sayings we still use today. eg. 'You reap what you sow' 'like attracts like' and so on. It has simply been re-branded and re-marketed for a public desperate for help in a debt ridden economy. But 'desperate' is the last thing you should be to utilize this law in your favor and this is where kids will succeed where most of their elders will fail, every time.
Kids are natural manifesters, automatically choosing to be successful and happy in their imagination. As a child, everything is possible, there are no limits, the moon is made of cheese and fairies live at the bottom of the garden (yes they do!) This boundless imagination if preserved and nurtured correctly will allow them to consistently turn their dreams into reality just as easily as they play. It is vitally important as a parent that you give your stamp of approval to their belief that all is possible. This is the first essential aspect and properly instilled at a young age it should withstand even the toughest of times in later life, particularly the teens when most cynicism and limiting beliefs set in.
With this amazing dream machine we call imagination, we create our world. You can best nurture your kid's imagination by nurturing your own. Begin by questioning your own beliefs about what is or isn't possible, are your beliefs really valid? Start using your imagination again, it maybe a bit rusty to begin with! Talk to your kids about each others dreams and ideal lives and let them tell you about their imaginary worlds, try to really 'be' there, let your imagination run wild. Your kids will be happy that you listened and therefore it must be important.
The second essential aspect of how the law of attraction makes successful and happy kids is in their emotional approach. kids are rarely desperate, they may think they want something badly but that is not the same as 'desperate'. This is why they are often more successful manifesters than their elders, they have only good feelings attached to the things they want, they are not acting out of a sense of lack but out of a sense of gain, so 'like attracts like'. Life should not be without its challenges, that would be boring but half the fun is in having the ability to overcome them with quiet confidence and self belief, the other half is enjoying the results.
by: Tori Simm
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