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Choosing A Hostel Stay On Your Melbourne Holiday

While journeying on a spending budget you have to do what you can in order to try to slim the cost of travel to your desired location. If you are contemplating a vacation in Melbourne, Australia then you could possibly be assuming that you will need to pay hundreds of dollars a night just for a good place to stay. This is certainly not the case.

While there are hotels in Melbourne that can cost you that much there is a greater way to stay in Melbourne for less and among the best way for those who do not want to slumber under the stars is to stay at one of the gorgeous backpacker hostels situated in and around the city. A lot of these hostels are simply as lovely as any of the hotels in the area and do supply cleaning services, laundry facilities, as well as game rooms, pools, bars, and web services. The cost is normally less than $20 for the night and for that you receive a nice comfortable bed and shared living facilities. There are over 35 various hostels situated in the Melbourne region alone and one is just more wonderful than the next.

Included with almost all stays you'll have total access to all the facilities, which are all quite modern day and extremely well kept. One of the best hostels, for the cost, is the All Nations City Backpackers Hostel located near the Yarra River, next to Southern Cross Station. This location delivers guests linens at no additional charge and offers dorm rooms, female only dorms, along with double or triple private rooms with key cards. In addition to a TV/common room and entirely furnished guest kitchen this place also provides an onsite bar with live entertainment daily. Net access is also available and this location is nice and clean with 24-hour security and is most likely one of the most practically priced hostels in Melbourne.

Another one of the top rated backpacker hostels in Melbourne is situated in the center of South Yarra and is a wonderful location to stay at, as several nightclubs, cafes and pubs surround it. It's the Claremont Guesthouse and it's one of the highest ranked Melbourne hostels on the net with a common area, guest kitchen, and global telephones for guests to use. This location offers double rooms and dorm rooms and is extremely tidy from the bathrooms to the guest rooms with a continental breakfast served everyday for every guest.
Choosing A Hostel Stay On Your Melbourne Holiday

Vacationing in Melbourne, Australia doesn't need to be pricey. By staying at backpacker hostels you will not solely save some money but also make a number of new friends as you travel the countryside searching for adventure.

by: Michael Taylor

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