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Botswana Travel Tips

Botswana is an African gemBotswana is an African gem. Right here, beautiful persons live among an range of attractions that never fail in leaving visitors out of breath, astonished and constantly wanting more. A region where diveristy, oddly enough, is probably one of the reasons for its thriving reputation throughout the world.

Though it's hot and dry majority in the yr, tourism in Botswana remains healthy and active whole year round. Most of the major holiday destinations that get flocked to regardless of what day

of the year are the wildlife parks that are abundant in the region because of the hills, plains and desert

landscape of Botswana. Just one of these wildlife parks is the St. Claire Lion Park in Gaborone.

Here, visitors will get the opportunity to see the region's fluorishing lion population while enjoying

the lovely environment from the park. Visitors can also see crocodiles at the Kazangula Crocodile

Farm. There are likewise some other 1,000 reptiles living in this farm which is another showcase of

Botswana's undeniably rich wildlife.

If you're thinking that all there is to see in Botswana are animals of varying shapes and sizes, you must have been reading all of the wrong travel guides. Botswana, in fact, also prides itself in its rich and colorful history that might be too valuable to miss when you're traveling in the country. To the west of Gaborone are ancient rock paintings which can be seen at the Kolobeng Hill near Manayana. This spot is in addition the place where artifacts from the Stone and Iron Ages were discovered. A few of the paintings which are discovered right here are pictures of rhinoceros, antelope, giraffes and more.

When you decide to go to Botswana, be equipped for a week or so of nonstop historical and cultural adventures for you and your family with all that Botswana has to provide.

by: Linda G. Hutchins

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