What Is Hypnotic Writing For Online Home Business
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What Is Hypnotic Writing For Online Home Business
Why Use Hypnotic Writing In Your Advertising?
First of all what is Hypnotic Writing? Joe Vitale has a book out
called Hypnotic Writing, in it he explains that it is a form of waking
Most people think when being in a hypnotic state, that your eyes are
closed., but you are still somewhat aware. Although, someone could
still have their eyes open, and be in a hypnotic state.
Have you ever went to a Hypnotist, or seen one on perform on stage?
It is really pretty funny, the things they can make people do. I went
to watch one perform in Las Vegas at a Real Estate Convention one
time. The Hypnotist had people acting like chickens, running up and
down the isle with a stick horse, yelling YippeKio! Some thought they
were from mars and had a real conversation going on with each other in
mars talk. All the time this was going on, their eyes were open.
You have probably been in a hypnotic state yourself and never realized
it. Have you ever been so absorbed in a reading a good book, you do
not know what is going on around you. Or maybe so engrossed in a
television show, some one comes knocking at your door and you never
hear them. How about driving down the road for hours, you soon
become, zoned out!, All the time your eyes are wide open.
That is what waking hypnosis is all about, a concentration of
attention. Focused solely on something and unaware of anything else
going on around you. Could you imagine if you could master this in
your advertising for your online home business?
Joe Vitale explains in his book, that when having a business, everyone
is focused on getting a sale. So his definition of hypnotic writing
is, Intentionally using words to guide people into a focused mental
state where they are inclined to buy your product or service.
Hypnotic Advertising
When you learn hypnotic writing, you can actually hypnotize people
with your advertising. They will be so engrossed in your article,
video, or blog that nothing else around them matters. They will want
to continue reading your material or watching your video and then
right away take action. Which of course is the bottom line of that we
all want for our online home business.
When writing your ad make sure you use your personality in it, that is
one of the secrets to hypnotic writing. Through your advertising,
people will get to know who your are, that is when they will come to
trust you, where a rapport is build and sales are made.
In this world of social media, hypnotic writing is a must. People have
to know and trust you. You have to write in your own voice, not be
someone else. You have to show them you are a leader with integrity in
order to have success these days.
Hypnotic Writing needs to come from you. You can learn from all the
leaders and study their writing, but in the end it needs to be yours
and yours alone. Remember the first time you talked to a prospect on
the phone? You were probably very nervous and maybe even stuttered a
few times. Now the first time you try to write ads, you think of your
English teacher and your ad sounds like something out of an
encyclopedia book. Just be yourself, write like you would talk to
your best friend.
Mark Twain quoted: If we were all taught to speak the same way we
were taught to write, we would all stutter!
When it comes to writing your own hypnotic ads, just be yourself and
watch how successful you and your online home business becomes.
by: Julianne Rowat
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