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subject: Water Filters Reviews - Which Water Filter Systems Will Suit You? [print this page]

Many water filters reviews cover only commonly found filtration products such as carbon and how it is used for making water safer and better. Carbon absorption is the system where dissolved solids and gases stick to the solid medium's surface. As the water flows through the carbon, impure elements cling to it and the filtered water is expelled.

However there are many other systems of water filtration system which can be mentioned. While carbon-based filtration systems, the most widely known due to their cheaper cost, other systems for purifiers are available to the consumer. For example, distillation an older technique to make salty water drinkable is used nowadays to make water safer in many parts of the world. Water is heated until it vaporizes removing any impurities present, then cooled, converted it to water. Another process is reverse osmosis where water is pressurized then pushed through a fine sieve known as a membrane.

All water filter reviews demonstrate that the water will be cleaner using any of these techniques, however each has its own disadvantages and advantages. Reverse osmosis can be expensive, wasteful and lower in yield. Also, many of the chemical impurities have a smaller molecular size than water which will not be caught by the system's special sieve. Distillation requires regular care and can be slow. Many chemicals have a lower boiling temperatures than the water, they may be vaporized and recollected with the clean water. Both reverse osmosis and distillation have been shown to remove important minerals such as magnesium and potassium from the filtered water.

While most water filter reviews will state that carbon filters can be useful in removing unwanted substances from water, carbon filter systems can only process small amounts of water at once, making them less practical water filters for home, especially for families and larger households. Carbon filter cartridges need frequent replacement and the overall filtration system processes relatively small amounts of water for the cost involved. Many carbon filters contain one single cartridge to strain out and capture the impurities. Most water filters reviews depict this as the best way of filtering all contaminants from the water.

Thorough water filters reviews will show that multiple step system is the most effective way to create the clean and pure water. Running water through multiple filters or processes gives a better end result. Multiple step purifiers usually contain an ion exchanger where heavy elements such as lead are exchanged with potassium. Larger particles and sediments will be removed along with microorganisms, the only thing that makes it way to the main water tank is pure water.

While researching and evaluating water filter reviews remember that any type of purifier is helpful but the ideal solution is a multi step system which filters all the contaminants you don't need in your water!

by: John Doe

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