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Theme Park Parade During Summer In Beijing

Exposure to the reality version of "Jurassic Park", watching Transformers which made of scrap parts, to challenge the limits of speed coaster ride. This summer,children are really blessed.

Paper space Change paper into art paper

Paper, is one of the easiest material for recycling and reuse one. In paper space, you can experience the "paper" art of ingenuity, to which all the wining, dining room are all decorated paper. Paper can create a lot of daily necessities, like a magic cardboard packaging space, change into furniture,stationery,lighting,the train ... ... a wide range of fantasies of paper work.

Noah's Ark Play an interactive museum and the natural environment

In the Noah's Ark museum,you can play grab machine games on classification, understanding the fun of "turning waste into treasure". Native district in Driftwood, to see works of art to life some of the driftwood, and furniture, they are by several Taiwanese Aboriginal artists, and works very primitive, such as the sack inside the equipment produced chairs are buckwheat seed, in another ten days, they will sprout out from the sack inside the drill, into a green chairs, very interesting. Personal opinion, if not here to explain, probably 35 minutes to transfer complete.

Glass Museum Glass is back to life

The museum not only has colorful glass art exhibits and renewable green energy glass knowledge, there are interesting "glass maze" and "glass kaleidoscope." Museum seemed empty, the glass maze magic maybe welcomed by chirldren. However, the adults will not stay very long,and the exhibits are too stingy.

Art Waste also fashion

Here, you will be amazed at the waste materials which are also stylish and beautiful addition to waste paper and scrap metal to create out of fashion, it can play out by the colorful tie-dyed cotton toys and clothing marine life. This individual will be the fashion hall of renewable resources, through a number of small interactive games realize many new environmental protection materials.

by: Angela

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