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subject: Top Five Summer Destinations to Spend your Vacation by:Mark Whichard [print this page]

Top Five Summer Destinations to Spend your Vacation by:Mark Whichard

Miami and Orlando are well-known for their beautiful and pristine beaches. The fact is, they are the most visited cities in Florida where millions of travelers go every year. The good thing when you spend your vacation in Florida is that, you will find it easier to find the attractions and tourist destinations plus, the places are really clean and world class. So, what are you waiting for? Check these destinations out and see for yourself if there is one which could possibly turn your taste on.

#1. Disney World - it is irrefutably the most popular destination in Florida. Since Disney World stood there, millions of people at any walks of life take time to visit it every year because of its greatest selection of on-property resorts available for all budget ranges. With plenty of shopping malls and boutiques, you have all the options you need to choose what you really want when you want them. Aside from that, Disney World Florida has four great theme parks you can spend quality time with your family plus the first-class diners you can enjoy. What could you possibly ask for?

#2. SeaWorld Orlando - being in or beside the water this summer could be one of the best options you have. But not only that; SeaWorld Orlando does not just bring you some place near the water but also lets you discover and witness the beauty of marine lives you can see every second of your stay. It is an absolute fun watching dolphins perform and feed the colorful fishes while you have your feet soaked in cold water. The truth is, SeaWorld Orlando never fails to please everyone especially during summer time. It is worth your time and effort to go to the place and experience something different, something refreshing.

#3. Daytona Beach - when you are in Florida, you can complete your stay only if you spend some time in Daytona Beach. It is the most famous and most visited beach in Florida ever since it opened to cater the needs of restless "beachers" who are looking for nothing but have quality time in the beach, do sunbathing and submerge into a deeper blue sea. Aside from that, this is where you can easily drive right in the beach if that's what can make you really enjoy. And you should know that Daytona is well-known for its great surf.
Top Five Summer Destinations to Spend your Vacation by:Mark Whichard

#4. Amelia Island - in Florida, there are great places which are not known to majority of the traveling public and Amelia Island is just one of them. Only a few have known that being in this island could be fulfilling enough that you do not want to go some place else during your vacation or holidays. For this summer, if you haven't tried to be here, then this could be the best time you should. You will always have a good bet with Amelia Island; you can bring your family and friends and enjoy all the time you have together in this little secret paradise in Florida.

#5. St. Augustine - vacation would be much enjoyable if you spend it together with your family, friends or loved ones. Thus, if you are looking for a perfect place to stay in Florida, do not hesitate to try going to St. Augustine as it always be the perfect place for you. With its unique attractions and old-world charms, you will be drifted away into the era or romance. The beaches are as pristine as those in Miami and the shopping malls are bigger, better and more comfortable to shop and roam around.

About the author

For details on other Orlando attractions visit Orlando tourism experts Mark and Susan Whichard's website at where you will also find details of high quality vacation rental villas in and around Orlando that are ideal for any number of visitors from small families to large groups of people.
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