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subject: Spirit Airlines Strike? Pilots Reject Latest Deal, Set Stage For Walkout by:Timmy Vic [print this page]

Spirit Airlines Strike? Pilots Reject Latest Deal, Set Stage For Walkout by:Timmy Vic

The clock is ticking for Spirit AirlinesThe clock is ticking for Spirit Airlines. The airline's pilots have given the Florida-based carrier 30 days to settle a contract dispute or they will strike.

The announcement of the strike came on Tuesday when the Air Line Pilots Association International, the union that represents Spirit pilots, rejected an arbitration proposal.

If an agreement is not meet by the federally mandated 30 day cooling-off period, the pilots will be able to strike at the stroke of midnight, June 12.

Spirit will be providing notice to some employees of "possible reductions that could be implemented. "

The pilots' union and the airlines have been arguing over contract terms for the last three years, and have been in mediation for more than six months.

Pilots claim that Spirit management has failed to offer benefits that were comparable with other low-cost carriers, and demanded that workers take benefits cuts even when the company was turning a profit.

In addition to asking for pay raises, the Spirit pilots are also hoping to counter proposals that would increase the maximum flying hours and reduce vacation time.

Spirit Airlines' thriftiness with its employees should come as no surprise to those who have followed the ultra low-cost carrier in the last few years.

In 2009, the union that represents Spirit's flight attendants rebelled against a requirement that would make them wear aprons with a Bud Light patch.

According to the airline, the aprons were an "onboard advertising sales component " that would help lower operating costs.

The airline recently gained notoriety for being the first of the major U.S. airlines to charge for carry-on bags. Beginning August 1, Spirit will charge passengers up to $45 for carry-on luggage.

Spirit also gained attention for installing "pre-reclined" seats on its two Airbus A320 jets. The seats, which can't move backward or forward, recline 3 inches.

For more information, visit petergreenberg.

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