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Small Business Must Use Seo And Ppc To Survive

For a small business start up there are many factors contributing to their success (or lack thereof). These include the overheads, the profits, the quality of the product, but more than anything the marketing. The big problem most small businesses have is competing with the larger companies for exposure. Often thanks to having a small team, a smaller business will be able to offer the same products or services at a lower price than those larger businesses. You can also often rely on a smaller company to put more time and care into their creations - as they have a smaller team which makes the product more 'personal' (that and you know they have more to lose). They also often have the better customer service, again thanks to a smaller group of people and the fact that they have neither the means nor the need to outsource their help to another company with a call service etc.

However, no matter how good a small company - or any company - is, they will never get anywhere if nobody knows about them. The large companies need more customers to survive and they have access to television advertising, large marketing campaigns and more. The smaller company then never gets itself onto the radar of the potential customer or client and this of course means that it doesn't get to demonstrate just how good it is. A comparison here can be drawn against trees in a forest; where a larger more established tree can cast a shadow over the smaller tree meaning it never gets the sunlight it needs to grow.

Thankfully however the times are changing, and the internet and technology in general is creating a far more equal and fair environment for business (and other areas such as art, politics and media) where really anyone can thrive if they have the inclination and the know how. For the small business this means SEO - one of the most cost effective and powerful forms of marketing that literally anyone can use.

As you may already be aware, SEO stands for 'Search Engine Optimisation', and this refers to the process of making a website 'search engine friendly' so that it comes out on top in searches. It's something that many large companies that are often slowed down by their beurocracy have yet to adopt, but something which any small business can easily utilise with a good SEO service. It's cheap to implement and the end result is that when someone types in 'good straw suppliers' in Google, they get directed directly to your site (if indeed you are a straw manufacturing company).

This is incredibly powerful as often when we want a product or service we forget any adverts weve seen and just do a search online. The top few results will then get thousands of visitors based on that fact alone - and this can be even more useful when you consider that you can target precise keywords or phrases (for example 'good straw manufacturers Aldgate'. As such a small business can get as many customers and clients as they need simply from their SEO activities making it a tool that can sway the balance of power and the share of the market even when you're going up against far larger companies, and that may make it crucial to survival. At the same time, by placing PPC (paid per click advertising) on your site, you can then generate income from more of these visitors even before any extra sales which will be invaluable for a small business.

by: Anna Karis

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