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subject: Grow Your Business In The Employer Healthcare Market [print this page]

Grow Your Business In The Employer Healthcare Market

Our integrated solutions provide the market-leading technology and deep clinical and business expertise required to manage risk, reduce operational costs, and grow your business by demonstrating a clear ROI in the employer market.

Powerful analytics combined with focused guidance:

Our approach leverages a powerful technology platform and the industry standard of risk and quality assessment tools to provide insight into each employers population, identifying risk drivers and gaps in care, while also revealing clear courses of action.

We enable you to track the healthcare spend at a granular level, measure the overall wellness and compliance in entire populations, and identify the underlying cost drivers associated with illness burden equipping you to address rising costs and drive improvements in benefit design with best healthcare decision support.

Deliver customized service to each client:

We provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to deliver customized service to each of your clients, enabling you to find opportunities to lower costs, improve employee wellness and demonstrate service excellence.

Verisk Health supports brokers, benefits consultants and reinsurers with solutions for:

Cost Containment:

Better define cost trends and bring down the rising claims costs that affect all employers, while streamlining and reducing the overhead and operational costs associated with your own monthly reporting.

High-Risk Member Identification:

Rank-order employees from the standpoint of expected future cost, and determine individuals who are near or over stop-loss thresholds.

Value-Based Benefit Design:

Help employers improve clinical outcomes and reduce overall medical expenditures by using Verisk Healths tools to analyze trends and identify areas where benefit design should be adjusted.

Business Intelligence with Applied Decision Analytics:

Get the most value from available data by drilling into claims data, applying evidence-based rules, quickly identifying trends and uncovering areas of opportunity to reduce risk.

Value Demonstration:

Leverage our deep analytic capabilities to clearly show your commitment to excellence, differentiate from your competitors, and demonstrate how youve helped your clients to lower costs.

New Business Opportunities:

Our analytical results will also reveal ways to enhance your business, highlighting areas in which your clients may benefit from further guidance and consulting on better healthcare policies, wellness programs and more.

by: Jack Authors

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