subject: Bad Credit Tenant Loans: A Reliable Financial Solution When You Need Help [print this page] If you have imperfect credit it means getting a loan is not possible but if you are a tenant also then no way you can get the money from loan option. Lenders do not like to entertain these types of people who contain this kind of risk. But now situation is changing bad credit tenant loans is a gift from money lender to this class of people. Its true that here you dont need to keep any thing for collateral.
The people who have the imperfect credit due to the reason like default, late payment, CCJs, or bankruptcy can apply for this option without any fear of rejection. Because lenders take the risk allowing money thats why they keep interest rate high. However these loans are really fast and provide better service so it can be avoidable. Borrowers can avail the money ranging from 1000 to 25000. It depends upon your repayment ability, credit card score etc. You get 6 months to 10 years to repay the loan money.
Tenants like council tenants, MOD tenants, housing association tenants, private tenants, people living with their parents etc. can go for these loans. Just you need to fulfil few conditions which you have to complete before opting for bad credit tenant loans. The conditions like you must be the citizen of UK and also 18 years older. You should have the job. Last but not least you must hold an active bank account. Once lender approved the loan, fund will be in your account within 24 hours.
If you have these qualities then there will be no other condition which can stop you from getting these loans. While opting for bad credit tenant loans borrower faces higher interest rate. But borrowers right search and research can end up in reasonable rates. You can fill out online form and can get the approval.
by: PeterDarwin
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