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subject: The Different Types Of Dentists In Orlando [print this page]

Most people who visit dentists In Orlando visit a general dentist. This is a dentist who covers most dental issues that arise in their patients but haven't specialized in a specific area. There are many types of dentists who specialize in a specific type of dentistry to cover any dental procedure that a general dentist does not perform.

If you have a child under the age of 6, most likely your current dentist will not see them. Some dentists in Orlando will not see them until they have reach the age of 10. If this is the case you will need to see a pediatric dentist. Pediatric dentist specialize in the treatment and care of children and toddlers. They spend an extra two years learning the techniques to treat the dental needs of children. Dentists cannot claim to be a pediatric dentist without the two years of post dental school training. Ask your current dentist for a referral if your current dentist will not see your children.

Special care dentists are dentist who specialize in treating and caring for patients who have special needs including medical, physical, emotional or social needs. A special needs dentist trains for another three years after dental school learning how to treat and care for special needs patients.

A cosmetic dentist will specialize in the aesthetic part of dentistry. Forming and shaping teeth to improve the appearance of a patient is the main jobs of a cosmetic dentist. However, they are they best option for whitening or bleaching teeth.

Geriatric dentists specialize in the treatment of elderly patients. They are specialists in the treatment of problems associated with normal aging and age-related dental issues.

Forensic dentists are those who specialize in the evaluation of dental records for legal cases. You'll often see forensic dentists in court rooms in presenting their finding to juries in the event of a death. They also appear in court for medical malpractice cases to help determine whether a dentist has performed a procedure incorrectly.

Lastly, Veterinary dentists are veteranians who specialize in the treatment of dental needs for animals. The AMVA licenses veterinary dentists and it's one of twenty specialties a veterinarian can specialize in. While it's not a dentist you'd see personally, it's good to know where to take you furry friend to get those cavities filled.

by: Robert Johnson..

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