subject: Do All Lenders Truly Offer No Fax Payday Loans [print this page] You are in a rush for a loan but in the heat of the moment do not go for one that does not suit your needs. If you need a no fax payday loan then please make sure that the loan does exactly what it says on the tin. If it does not you will find that you have wasted time completing the application form to find out that you need to fax in all sorts of documents to prove your earnings and who you say you are. Do your homework and you will not have to waste this time.
Are you in need of a fax-free loan? Then the following UK lenders offer such a service: Pay Day Express; QuickQuid; Speedeloans; Wonga Loans; Lending Stream; 1 Month Loan. And they also offer an instant funds transfer service so if you are approved for the loan before about 4pm (deadline varies for different lenders) you will receive the cash in your account same day. If you go to you will see that Wonga, Quick Quid and TxtLoan have the least expensive 2 week term loans, respectively. For 1 month term loans then Quick Quid, Wonga and Speed-e-Loans offer the best deals, respectively.
When it comes to applying for a no fax payday loan the company in question offering this facility online will require that you meet certain criteria to qualify for their loans. The information they require is that which is requested on their online application form, a form that you must complete and then submit to them. The information that they normally need and which is required for you to be an acceptable borrower are that you are a UK resident, you are over the age of 18, you have had a current bank account for more than 6 months. Lastly, that you have been in your current job for more than 3 months or that you can show that you have a steady income.
If you are unable to meet some or all of the above requirements then, of course, applying for a no fax payday loan may not be advisable. Some companies, however, will accept such applications but then you will need to provide further documentation in relation to it.
Upon receipt of your application, in most cases, when it comes to no fax payday loans the lender will generally inform you in a short space of time if the loan has been approved. If it has then normally in less than 24 hours of the application being processed and approved the funds will be deposited into your bank account. In some cases if the application for such loans is made before a certain time in the day then the funds may be deposited into your bank account on that very same day.
Please be a responsible borrower and make sure you can afford to repay the loan on the date it is due. I understand that you need cash fast to meet emergency payments, but if you cannot afford to repay it on your next pay day then you are only delaying the inevitable financial pain.
As always, I hope what you have read has been informative for you and you can compare all no fax payday loans at our website (link provided for you just below) as well as all reputable payday lenders in the UK. You can also contact us by email on the 'contact us' page should you have any further questions. We would be delighted to help you out as much as we possibly can.
by: Brian B Smith
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