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subject: Get That Tan Safely [print this page]

A tanned complexion is the 'in' thing this season. While a bronzed complexion puts you in the trendy slot, it may come accompanied with many complications. That sun kissed look needn't come together with wrinkles and early aging, blemishes or deadlier implications like skin cancer. You can get a tan safely also. These are some tips that will help you with the same.

If you are going for outdoor tanning then make sure that you choose appropriate timings to lie down in the sun. Do not go out in the sun when the sun is at it's strongest and that's between 10.00 a.m. to 3.00 p.m. Lay out in the sun just when it isn't extremely intolerable not very harsh to avoid any sort of skin problems.

Wearing a tanning lotion is also a must if a safe tan is what you're looking for. Are looking for. But, aren't these products intended to shield you from tanning? Well, yes they do to some extent but they ensure that you get the complexion of your choosing without being exposed to the chance of skin cancer. Make note of the SPF before you select a suntan lotion or a sunblock.

would like. Often , using sunscreen with SPF 15 rating is the best choice. Ensure that you apply sunscreen at least 30 minutes before you step out in the sun. In case you intend to spend boring hours out in the sun, you'll need to reapply the sunscreen, after each 2-3 hours at least. Use the suntan lotion in acceptable amounts for most satisfactory results.

It's also advised that you wear protecting sun gear before you go out and bake in the sun. Wear scarves, hats and other defending clothing to avoid any kind of damage to your hair or eyes. You should also wear sun shades whenever you're going in for tanning. This holds true both for outdoor tanning as well as tanning centers.Eyeglasses ensure that there's not any damage to your eyes while you get the complexion of your selecting.

The process of safe tan extends to even after you've got the tan. After you have got the tan; check that you don't have any marks, lesions or burns on the skin. If you finish up troubled by any sort of such skin problems; exercise caution. If problem increases to the level that your cut and wounds don't heal all alone ; consult a dermatologist at the earliest best.

Getting a safe tan isn't that heavy. All you need to do is take a little additional care of your skin during and after the tanning process. Go forward and get that golden glow and that too without working with any sort of irritating side effects.

by: Garya Smith

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