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subject: Unaswered Calls - Gamble For Businessess [print this page]

Unaswered Calls - Gamble For Businessess

An unmanned free call number is an easy way to lose leads. If a business is not capitalising on a client's short window of interest, then they are missing out on turning that interest into a sale.

According to a recent survey by a mobile marketing company, only 30 percent of businesses answered their freecall numbers between 6-8am and 6-8pm, despite having purchased advertising space during these times. Poor planning results in lost sales.

A client's time is precious, and everyone is busy in this mobile world. Many customers will not have the time to call again, or their interest may have waned before they try again. A call to a free call number is a warm lead, but if no one is there to talk to that customer, the lead quickly cools.

Not answering a call is a cost to the business. Businesses need to make it easy for a prospect to get a response to their interest, no matter what time they might respond to the call to action.

A simple way to ensure that a client receives a response to their interest is to utilise the cost effective text marketing tool. Text marketing provides a response to potential clients 24/7 and can provide a lead that can be followed up by a staff member when they are free.

Clients can be sent anything in response to their text, from a simple "We will call you soon" to a more in depth text providing specific details about the advertised product, or instructions detailing what steps they should take next. By capturing the prospect's number, an advertiser is generating leads and getting value for money out of their advertising budget.

Don't miss out on calls and the profits they could bring.

by: Angela Mabey.

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