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How Pallet Inverters Have Turned The Business World Upside Down

It true to say most people would not even know what a pallet inverter is or what it does. Even less so would people realise that the pallet inverter, a machine that only came into existence a little over thirty years ago, has actually grown to become a vital part of the manufacturing and distribution world. In truth it is fair to say the pallet inverter is turning the world upside down.

Back in the 1970's when the first free standing pallet inverters were still on the drawing board it was muted that the quality of the build would have to be extremely good to overcome the often extreme weights that were being manoeuvred. When you realise that pallet inverters are used to allow pallets even broken or of the wrong type to be removed from the bottom of goods stacked for forklift truck moving, you can start to see just how much machinable integrity is required to guarantee the pallet inverter would not fail during it's task.

But then a few years later one man Peter Davis of Premier Pallet Inverter with his partner made a decision that should have been suicidal for any fledging company just starting out in the manufacture of pallet inverters, or any other mechanical device come to that. He laid down in the foundation of his company Premier Pallet Systems the insistence that they would built such high quality machines that break downs and un necessary servicing would not be a major factor. Rather than go down the line of building in obsolences so that he could be renewing his order books every ten or so years with replacement orders he and those with him decided that the pallet inverters they built would truly be built to last.

The fact that over nineteen years later many of the original machines are still in every day service admist some of the most demanding environments in product logistic is testament to his commitment but the more amazing thing is that rather than shrink into obscurity due to the lack of replacement orders Peter Davis' Premeir has grown to be one of the largest companies of it's type across the world.

Those who said he was foolish to use the heavy grade steel and to fit the highest quality mechanisms are now seeing the wisdom in building machines to last. As the world of product distribution and manufacturing continues to expand across the globe so do pallet inverters of all shapes and sizes. The vision in those early days was to realise that if you built a pallet inverter of good quality many other markets and needs for similar machines would present themselves and that is exactly what has happened.

So what does a pallet inverter do? Well in many environments now there is the requirement for pallets to be removed from the bottom of a stack of goods. Actually as most goods are moved by pallet trucks these days nearly all items over a certain weight require a pallet under them to allow a forklift to push it's forks beneath the load. These pallet either get broken in use and need replacing or else they are the wrong type for the environment and need swapping. (The chemical industry often uses plastic pallets rather than the more normal wooden pallets.)

This is where the pallet inverter comes it allow a load to have a new pallet put on top and then turns the load 180 degree so that the new pallet it at the base and ready to take the load of the goods it is to carry. The old pallet is then removed and discarded or put to one side for later use on leaving the distribution center.

When you consider that a multi-million dollar industry have built up around this simple need to turn a load over and that many times if a pallet inverter fails production has to stop it illustrates just how a straight forward and yet robust piece of machinery as something like a premier pallet inverter really has turned the world upside down.

by: Davies Walker

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