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subject: Pastoral Wedge Sandals Hot In This Summer [print this page]

Pastoral Wedge Sandals Hot In This Summer

Thank God. The heel competition finally comes to a stop. It will definitely be the biggest blessing for women in the fashion world.

Jimmy Choo has once remarked: only the four and a half inch under the heel make you a real woman, otherwise it can not. However, four and a half inch has now become a piece of case compared to 15 cm pumps which appear frequently in the fashion show. In fact, seldom women would dare to wear such high heels like those models. In this season, their dreams come true as the wedges come out.

As the pastoral style has formed a trend in this summer, wedges come into fashion. The latest three practicesPhoebe Philo, Stella McCartney and Hannah MacGibbon draw their attention to this comfortable and idle designation style. The wedge sandals have little drop between the front and back, which seems to suggest that the pantshoes may become a new fashion. It is worthy of being mentioned that the simple and clean designation was like to go back to the 1970s. Its vamp that nearly covers the whole feet and crossover straps bring a sense of casualty and primitive. Matched with cotton trousers, it may lead us to a vision of a small town life.

To match with crossover straps the spats is the best. Youd better not to wear long trousers while in these wedges. Otherwise, it will look odd. Do not match with miniskirt or fluffy skirt. They are not suitable for the temperament of the wedges. If you have any problems, you can take Stella McCartney as an example.

by: Kasy

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