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subject: Managing Time Effectively When Starting A Home Based Business Online [print this page]

Managing Time Effectively When Starting A Home Based Business Online

Most people will have been on a Time Management course if they have worked in a corporate environment and understand the importance of getting the most out of your day. However it is important to remember that no one can actually manage time You can only manage your activity because the clock is going to keep ticking away no matter what you are doing.

When starting a home based business online you are likely to be pulled in all directions with so many things to do and so little time to complete them in. Here are a few ideas to help you structure your working pattern to help you focus on the most important thing and that is running your business profitably.

1.Have a separate office space and try to keep this space solely for the use of running your business. If you have kids toys in there or a TV then you are easily going to be distracted from the task in hand.

2.Have a detailed plan of activity for the week printed out and pinned to your notice board. Try to make the plan realistic from the outset so it something you can stick with. It is ok to deviate from the plan now and then but if you find yourself working far more or less then you need to re-think.

3.Try and avoid distractions when you are focusing on generating business online. If you do not need to be making sales over the phone then avoid answering calls until your allocated time slot. This way you will not have to stop everything and then forget where you were up to before that telemarketer called. Emails can also be a major distraction and so many people become slaves to their email. Again, avoid checking emails until your allocated timeslot.

4.Take scheduled breaks during the day in order to recharge your batteries. Your brain will not be able to function as effectively if it is not being allowed to rest for certain periods during the day.

5.Make sure you do regular exercise in order to keep your body healthy, this way you will be more alert and able to stick to the activity plan that you have set yourself.

6.Hire an assistant if you can afford to, this way you can focus on growing your business and spend less time on administration and phone calls. This will also help to improve your professional image when dealing with clients.

All professional people struggle with managing themselves within time unless they are well prepared for their days and weeks ahead. As long as you are realistic in your ability and take regular breaks you will soon find the winning formula to running a successful home based business. And you will have the energy to celebrate when you achieve a milestone or two

by: David Anthony Watson

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