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subject: Strategic Efforts Keep Companies Like Younan Properties Out Of Bankruptcy [print this page]

Strategic Efforts Keep Companies Like Younan Properties Out Of Bankruptcy

Many commercial real estate companies are now wishing that they had taken fewer risks at the height of the real estate boom. They are wishing that they owed less and owned more. The high rise in tenants defaulting on their leasing contracts and simply walking away from the high rates instead of renewing has left many companies in the dust. Younan Properties is a company that prepared for this type of situation and is still climbing higher despite the threats pointed towards their competitors.

Companies would agree that Bankruptcy is a word they prefer never to be in need of uttering. Younan Properties is would be among these companies. They have sought to keep the prospect and a great distance ever since they started in 2002. Their ability to understand the areas of finance, acquisitions, and property management have helped make all of the difference in this quest.

Offering Class "A" office space of the highest quality isn't enough to grab the attention and business that is needed at Younan Properties. In order to successfully avoid bankruptcy they have several strategies in practice. Their number one strategy is that location is of the utmost importance. By working within the nation's top markets they are able to provide security to their company.

In order to create a tenant-landlord relationship that can stand the test of time Younan Properties has sought to practice fiscal responsibility. By managing their finances in a sound manner they have been able to offer some of the most competitive rates on the market. They have also been able to have enough of breathing room that as the market has demanded lower prices they have been able to oblige.

One of the strategies that Younan Properties has in place to make bankruptcy an invisible word is actually very "Green" of them. Sort of like flipping houses they will purchase properties that aren't performing at their highest potential. They fix them from the inside out and create a property that runs at or near its full occupancy level. In doing this they also add to the community around them.

Approaching the commercial real estate market with strategies in place has been an effective tool for Younan Properties in conquering their goal of never needing to worry about bankruptcy. Other companies would do well to practice the principles of seeking out good locations, becoming financially secure, and seeking redevelop instead of start from scratch. These strategies have helped Younan Properties and they can help others as well.

by: Sam Nassar

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