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India Luxury Tourism- Putting India Ahead In World Tourism

Indian tourism has successfully crafted a niche for itself in the map of world tourism and it has essential merit to be recognized as one of the most coveted tourist destination in the world. Apart from rich splendor of wonderful tourist destinations what makes tourism in India a pleasure is its variety. True, variety adds spices to touring experience at India. It is amazing to note that India has rich recipe for each kind of tourism that includes adventure tourism, heritage tourism, culture tourism, monsoon tourism, wild life tourism, mountain tourism, monument tourism and last but not the least luxury tourism. It is as if like tourism in India is beautiful canvas with the best of the colors being made to interplay to create an extraordinary impact.

Luxury trips to India ranks high among the wish list of tourists from around the world and one simple reason for this is that Indian luxury has distinct place. Tourists have the liberty to choose luxury tours to India amongst its many different forms.

The first thing that comes to mind while speaking of luxury tourism is luxury tour destination and India has plenty of luxury tour destination spread across all corners of the country. But it is beyond doubt that Rajasthan is the undisputedly the choicest India luxury tour gateway. And for this reason the golden triangle tour package is one of the most sought after tour package. Along with Rajasthan it includes Delhi and Agra which are other excellent places to enjoy luxury holidays in India. What make Rajasthan so special is the magnificent forts and palaces and the rich culture and heritage, the culture and heritage of Rajasthan is intricately woven with luxurious ways of living. Many of the palaces have been turned into palace hotels with the idea treating the guests with royal standards and as it can be understood the royal hospitality must surpass the highest standards of luxurious hospitality.

The other strong contender in the list of India luxury vacations is Goa, which is gained strongly rivaled by Kovalam situated in the state of Kerala. Goa is small province but can offer you holiday experience big time, the night life at the beaches of Goa hardly has any peer, the exotic beauty of the sea beaches, the fine weather and the abundance of fenny sets the right mood for luxury tourism. In terms of ambience Kovalam is just the opposite of Goa, it is the epitome of tranquility, solitude and romance is in the air of Kovalam. The silent backwaters with the stealing movements of the luxurious houseboats make the place a heaven on earth.
India Luxury Tourism- Putting India Ahead In World Tourism

But to mention a few of the luxury tour destinations in India is to injustice with the country and with the travelers as well. That is to say that India offers luxury tourism opportunities in many other different parts of the country as well. The entire South India, the Northern part of the country and the western part as well offer exotic luxury holiday destination.

by: Jenny Franklin

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