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subject: Motivating Home Business Stories And 4 Basic Tips During Recession. [print this page]

Motivating Home Business Stories And 4 Basic Tips During Recession.

Recession can be a big opportunity for starting home business. You may be raising eyebrows on this statement but believe me this is not a false statement. There are numerous examples where a home business has succeeded despite of being started in the recessionary times.

Many renowned names in the business arena had in fact started their home business venture during recession. Some of the renowned names in the business arena, like Hewlett-Packard (popularly known as HP), Disney and Trader Joe had in fact started their venture during the busts and not in the booms. You must be cursing me for giving the examples of large business houses in order to motivate small entrepreneurs in starting their ventures in recession.

In fact, many woman entrepreneurs and mompreneurs have started their own venture after losing their job in the recession. During this period, people lost their job without having any fault of their own. Thus, the existence of those people who lost their job was at stake, only because of the whims of a bunch of people who are supposed to manage the companies. Do you want your life to be regulated on the whims of other people? Of course not. If you browse through the history then you will find out that there are many instances where a person has started his / her own venture, only after losing the job.

There are many home businesses that started during economic busts. They not only survived the economic downturn but also became success stories in short period of time.

Some of the examples are given below:

Cynthia Cappizo is a meeting planner (Certified). She has been associated with event management and planning of meeting for the last fifteen years. She was a serious employee and always gave 100%. She always thought of starting her own venture but resisted from doing so due to one reason. The reason was that she was a wife and at the same time a mom. It seemed impractical to her to leave a steady job and start a venture of her own. However, one fine morning, the event management company in which Cappizo was working decided to close due to economic downturn. She was given a golden handshake and the next day she was unemployed. Cappizo was very scared about her career, but at the nick of the time she decided to launch her dream. She did launch her business, called CC Meetings and Events. It didn't require a lots of initial capital to start the venture. She just needed viable contacts, which she made over a span of 15 years of her career. She has her own home and doesn't require a team of employees. Thus, she is able to give service to her clients at very competitive cost.

At home businesses, you require to follow some basic but very important tips. Some of them are listed below:

1.Assess your likings and skills. Then visualize your business type, structure and many more.

2.Do you have a home business plan? This plan is very important for your venture. In management they say that 90% is planning and 10% is execution.

3.Make a budget for your home business and search for financing avenues for the same.

4.Now, start the venture. Don't waste any more time in starting the venture, otherwise it will never get launched.

by: Mr. Alex Martin

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