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subject: How To Showcase Your Business For Future Customers [print this page]

How To Showcase Your Business For Future Customers

Future customers are looking online for the purchase of products and services. Will they be able to find you and your products and services? One way to ensure that they find valuable information about your business is to include a blog as part of your small business marketing strategy.

Customers are searching for solutions in a very different way than they did even a few years ago. They go to Google. They ask their Social Media communities for advice. You need to be visible and approachable there.

How do they find you? And then, once they've found you, how are you going to stay top of mind between the moment you come onto their radar and the moment they decide to buy/engage/hire?

A blog is one of the best ways to market and be visible to your future customers. It allows you to provide multiple examples of the quality of your products, how other customers have utilizes your expertise and the locations that you serve.

I believe the best way to stay top of mind is to have a blog that has interesting, fun, and helpful information that is indicative of who you are (your brand). A blog gives your future customers a chance to get to know, like and trust you. The better they know, like and trust you, the more likely they are to do business with you.

You are a tremendous source of information. You have experiences and stories that, shared, would be of acute interest to them. You need to write and share these stories. Why? Your blog allows you to describe what you do, how you do it, and who you serve. You control the content.

Making it easy for future customers to get to know you better and increase their understanding of how you can help them is reason enough to begin blogging, however, in addition, with each new article you post, you increase your SEO visibility and search rankings.

Now that your posts are written and published on your blog, drive your community to the posts through Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. Let your customers, prospects, staff, and alliance partners know that you are active on these platforms by including your social media contact information in your email signature. Take it a step further and create buttons on your website homepage to make it easier for people to follow you.

Increasingly, the lion's share of your market is looking online to find their service providers. A critical part of your marketing strategy should be focused on increasing your online visibility.

by: Dawn Westerberg

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