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subject: Why Start A Low Cost Home Based Business? [print this page]

Why Start A Low Cost Home Based Business?

Why Start a Low Cost Home Based Business?

As the days go on and on more and more people are looking to start a low cost home based business, which is very feasible in today's digital age. There are many ways that they can start this home based business ranging from selling products, services or even information to writing blogs that makes you commissions on affiliate links or articles. While this may sound great and very whimsical it does take a very unique person that believes that they have much more to provide to the world than they currently are able to at a "job".

Ways to Save Money

If you think of all the things that you have got to invest your hard earned dollars in while you have your "job" or "career" it can be quite depressing. Many individuals that have careers are the same individuals that have suits that need dry cleaned every week, they need to have high end designer suits to look the part and a high end car. Then take into consideration all the meetings, meals, and fuel used to drive back and forth to work, I know that I used to spend hundreds of dollars a month just in fuel and eating out during lunch. Many parents also find that the cost of the babysitter can be a huge determining factor of starting a low cost home based business. I know of families that spend hundreds of dollars a week on babysitting and they wonder why they continue to work just to pay the babysitter and have less time with their kids.

Spending Time with the Kids

So many parents feel that they are not in touch with what is going on in their child's life and wonder what can be done, if anything. They work all day, get home and have to cook dinner, they are tired, spend a couple hours with the kids ( if they don't work in retail) and then head to bed just to do it all over again the next day. We all sit and look at our children and think "they grow up so fast"; wishing we could have had more time with them. The answer is that while they may grow up fast, we also spent half or more of our time working for someone else, robbing us of our time with our children. Many people look at time and think of time management, it is not the case, and you can only manage you in the time you are given.

Talking About Time

Your time is valuable and we are all given the same 24 hours in a day, you make the decision what to do with your time, whether it is to spend time doing laundry, mowing the lawn, taking your kids to the pool or watching television. When you have a home based business you are given more time than you may have been used to in the past, use this time wisely, many people have a home based business and never miss any event or time with their children. I know many people that work on their business while their children are at school or sleeping, this allows them quite time to focus on their money producing activities on a daily basis.

by: Robert David Strong

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