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subject: Opportunity Home Business - How To Dramatically Improve SERP [print this page]

Opportunity Home Business - How To Dramatically Improve SERP

Note, that for a new opportunity home business site or page, the right set of on-page keywords are very effective tools to improve the rankings. The search engines use algorithms, which favour the whole sites or pages, which offer a deeper insight to the reader, meaning that they use a set of keywords, which the main keyword searchers also use. Sounds natural.

1. You Can Get Quicker Indexing

If you have a new opportunity home business site and you want to get the indexing in the search engines fast, a good way is to use the main keyword plus the so called LSI keywords. This will tell to the search engines, that the site is optimized for the readers and use several keywords, which also the readers use.

The LSI keywords are recommended by the main home business opportunity magazines. One of my friends, who is an experienced and quite successful opportunity home business marketer told, that he got indexing at Google in 24 hours thanks to the LSI keyword usage. The new site had zero back links, only a good on-page optimization.

2. Where To Find These LSI Keywords?

Let us take one example, this article. I use the keyword opportunity home business as a main term. When I type that into Google and get the result page, I will go down the page and there they are, a list of the LSI keywords. The same people use these as my main keyword. These are the terms, which the search engines want me to use, when I write something with that main keyword. Sometimes the LSI keywords are not related to the topic or include company names, for instance, then of course I can not use them.

3. Put The Google RSS Feed On The Site.

In the internet home business jargon, there is an old saying, that the search engines love new and fresh content. So why not to arrange that especially, when it happens so quickly and easily through a RSS feed and using the LSI keywords, which makes the feed related.

4. Use The Blog Roll.

What a successful home based business opportunities require? Business contacts. The more we have them, the more successful we are. One good ranking improvement trick is to submit a blog roll on your site and to use the LSI keywords as anchor texts. The search engines get more long tail keywords to rank high.

Opportunity Home Business - How To Dramatically Improve SERP

By: Juhani Tontti

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